Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Office Accounting 2009 - how to delete a saved report

Not obvious this one, so needs documenting really. In Microsoft Office Accounting 2009 you can modify a report, so typically change the dates or columns or how the nominals or companies are summarised. Its pretty flexible and very easy to do.

At that point you might save the report. These customised reports are in the Reports > Saved Reports menu. We found after a while we ended up with a few along the lines of Aged Debtors Summary 1, Profit and Loss 1, etc

However its not obvious how to get rid of the old ones. There's no option within the report. No right-click menu. No delete button on the reports list adn nothing in the Actions or Reports menus.

All you have to do is go into the Saved Reports view, click once to highlight a report, then press Del on the keyboard. You'll get a prompt to confirm. Easy. when you know how.

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