Sunday, 12 June 2011

SBS 2003 mailbox limit and warning over 2GB

Its not often that I don't find an answer to an SBS admin question on Daniel Petri's excellent website. He's got a post about loading up ADSIEDIT to set a mailbox limit warning higher than 2GB. Basically the standard Exchange Server Manager won't edit the values higher than 2GB so you have to dive into obscure Active Directory attributes to load a bigger value.

At one particular client that didn't work and he kept getting daily warnings, which in turn meant I got a daily prompt ;-) There is a global setting that affects all mailboxes fortunately and it worked at this particular client.

I tracked down an article to set the global mailbox limit higher than 2GB. Use ADSIEDIT but drill down to the attributes at this location:

Configuration []
CN=Configuration,DC=YOUR DOMAN,DC=london
CN=ServicesCN=Microsoft Exchange
CN=Administrative Groups
CN=first administrative group
CN=First Storage Group

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